10BBL Steam Heating Brewhouse on the Sea!
Three vessels set up -Jacketed & Insulated Mash Tun with stir -Insulated Lauter Tank with rake -Jacketed & Insulated Boil Kettle with...
Unprecedented Discounts! Valid Date Jun/3rd to Jul/4th
We are offering an unprecedented discount for all customers from the 3rd of June to the National Day(4th of July)! Contact us now to book...
A-Squared Brewing is Selling Some 2BBL Tanks!
A-Squared Brewing is offering the following items for sale: Equipment: Stout 2BBL Electric Brew Kettles Includes HLT w/ RIMS tube, MT, &...
Please let us know if you are selling any used tanks!
Please let us know if you are selling any used brewing tanks, we are happy to send out a newsletter to promote for you!
A New Container of Tanks is Coming!
USA INVENTORY: 3BBL Jacketed/insulated Fermenters x 9; $4,990/ea 5BBL Jacketed/insulated Fermenters x 12; $5,990/ea 7BBL...
A Barely Used 15BBL Fermenter Looking for a New Home
One of our customers in Maryland is selling their 15BBL jacketed&insulated fermenter. The tank was purchased in Dec 2020 from us and we...
PRICES DOWN! Started by February | Pre-order your tanks!
Thanks to the lowered shipping cost, we are able to go down on prices for all sizes tanks, in stocked or pre-order. Check the newest...
Used 3BBL Nano Brewhouse-Brooklyn, NY
One of our customers in NY is selling their 3BBL Electric Nano Brewhouse to expand production. The Brewhouse was purchased in 2018. As...
Inventory Update & Oct Discount Promotion
INVENTORY: 3BBL Jacketed/insulated Fermenters x 10 $5,490/ea 5BBL Jacketed/insulated Fermenters x 10 $6,490/ea 7BBL...
Top 5 things you need to know before buying from China
The vast majority of the brewing equipment in use worldwide are manufactured in China, most of the brewing equipment companies in the US...